How old do you think she is?

Where do u think she is from?

A: What is your talent?

B: What do you think it is?

A: How are you?

B: How do you think I am

They went to school

Where did they go?

A: Where do you think they went?

B: How would I know?

긍정문을 의문문으로~~

She is from Japan

Where is she from?

She is 25 years old

How old is she?

I think she is from Japan

Where do u think she is from?

그녀가 지금 어디 있는 것 같아?

Where do you think she is?

Where do u think the investors are right now?

너 어디 산다고 그랬더라?

Where did u say you live?

걔가 어디서 왔다고 했지?

She said she is/was from Japan

Where did she say she is/was from?

Where did u say you were from again?

그녀가 항상 나이를 속이거든요

그녀가 본인이 몇살이라고 하던데

She always lies about this

How old did she say she was?

16살 되었구나, 생일축하한다.

방금 내가 몇살이라고 말한거야?

You said I was 17

How old did you say I was?

We should V~~~~~~

What do you think we should do?

What do you all think we should do now?

얘를 어쩌면 좋지?

What should we do with him?

What do you reckon we should do with him?

I think~~~ = I reckon~~~

* 호주나 영국에서 reckon을 자주 사용

What does that mean?

What do you think that means?

think = reckon = suppose

What do you suppose that means?

She is 35 years old

How old is she?

How old she is

그녀의 나이 아니?

Do u know HOW OLD SHE IS?

나의 고향이 어딘지 알아?

I am from Busan

Where are you from?

Where I am from

Do u know WHERE I AM FROM?

I think she is 35 years old.

내가 생각하는 그녀의 나이

How old I think she is

내가 너 몇살이라고 생각했었는지 알아?

Do u know how old I thought you were?

I thought you were 40.

그녀가 어디 사람이라고 생각했었는지 알아?

Do you know ~~~~~~

I thought she was from ~~~

Do u know where I thought she was from?

She said she was 35 years old

How old did she say she was?

그녀가 말한 그녀의 나이

How old she said she was

그의 실제 영어실력

He is  ~~~~~~~  good

How good he actually is at English is

본인이 생각하는 영어실력

He thinks he is ~~~~~ good

How good he thinks he is at English is

귀여움 지수 how cute he is

본인이 생각하는 귀여움 지수

How cute he thinks he is

그녀는 실제보다 본인이 훨씬 더 멋있다 생각한다

She thinks she is ~~~~ cute

She thinks she is so much cuter than she is

내가 심각한 공주병이 있다고 말했나?

Did I tell you that I think I am so much cuter than I am

내가 생각하는 나의 모습

I thought I was gonna look like this

How I thought I was gonna look

내가 생각하는 메시번 했을 때 나의모습

How I think my messy bun will look


실제 모습

How it actually looks

be mad at sby

be pissed at sby

She is pissed at me

She is pissed at mom

Who is she pissed at?

Who do you think she is pissed at?

A: 다리줄을 끊어 버려

B: 내가 지금 뭐하고 있는것 같아?

I know. What do u think I am dong?

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유
