비교급의 개념??

I am better than him

She is stronger than me

보기만큼 맛있지는 않다

It looks ~~~~~~~~~~ good

It is ~~~~~~~~~~~ good

look vs be

It is not as delicious as it looks

오감동사와 be 동사 비교

너 보기보다 키가 크구나

You are taller than you look

사진으로 본 것 보다 더 멋있다

(사진에서도 멋졌는데 실제로 더 멋지다 강조 EVEN)

This looks ~~~~~~~~ cool

This looked ~~~~~~~ cool

That looks even cooler than it did in the picture

너 보기보다 훨씬 더 무겁네


You are a lot heavier than you look

너 보기보단 바보는 아니군

You are not as dumb as you look

너 보기보다 더 멍청하구나

(보기에도 멍청해 보임 EVEN)

You are even dumber than you look

It is ~~~~~~~~~~~ cold

I thought it was gonna be ~~~ cold

I thought it would be ~~~~ cold

내가 생각 했던거 보다 훨씬 더 추워

실제 추운 정도 vs 나의 예상

It is a lot colder than I thought it was gonna be

It is a lot colder than I thought it would be

그건(은행털기) 생각보다 쉬웠어

That was easier than I thought it was gonna be

넌 니가 생각하는 것 만큼 웃기지 않아

You are ~~~ funny

You think you are ~~~ funny

You are not as funny as you think you are

난 사람들이 생각하는 것 만큼 똑똑하지 않아

I am ~~~ smart

They think I am ~~~ smart

I am just not as smart as they think I am

만약 당신의 영어가 당신이 생각하는 것의 절반이라도 된다면

영화에서 하는 말을 알아듣는데 그렇게 힘들지 않겠지

What they say in movies - 사람들이 영화에서 하는 말

have trouble Ving ~ - V 하는데 어려움을 겪다

+ 비교급

If your English was half as good as you think it is,

you wouldn't be having as much trouble understanding

what they say in movies

생각보다 이야기가 길어지겠어

This is gonna be a long story

This is gonna be an a lot longer story than I thought it would be

너 내가 생각한것보다 귀엽네

I gotta tell you

You are even cuter than I thought you would be

오늘 하루는 내가 생각한 것보다 훨씬 괜찮았어

This day is really gonna be so much better

than I thought it was gonna be

그 상황 진짜 웃겼거든

너도 그 자리에 있었으면, 나만큼 너도 빵 터졌을거야

Laugh hard

You would have laughed ~~~~~ hard (과거가정)

I laughed ~~~~~~~~~~~ hard (실제과거사실)

비교대상 A    vs    비교대상 B

(필적할만 하다, 뒤쳐지지 않는다)

JUST as ~~~~~ as

If you had been there,

you would have laughed just as hard as I did

* (가정법+비교급)안쓰면 이상황은 표현 불가능

She is just as pretty

니가 안 움직이면, 그만큼 아프진 않을거야 (가정법+비교급)

If you held still. It wouldn't hurt as much 

너가 도망가지 않았다면 이런일은 없었겠지 (가정법)

If you hadn't run away, none of this would have happened

너가 겁주지 않았으면 내가 달아나지 않았겠지 (가정법)

If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away

I was not nice to her

I should have been nice to her

I was ~~~~~~~~~~ nice to her

I should have been ~~~~ nice to her

난 그녀에게 잘해줬어야했던 만큼 못해줬어

I was not as nice as I should have been

너 생각보다 더 잘했나보다

You must have done better than you thought (you did)

생각보다 머리를 세게 부딪혔나봐

I must have hit my head harder than I thought

지금은 그때보다 한 500배 정도 뛰어나니까

I am like 500 times better than I was back then

나는 이런거 몰라도 영어잘한다?

이런 분들의 영어실력은 본인이 생각하는 것에 1/10 조차도 되지 않을거다

I don't think their English is even one-tenth as good as they think it is

원래보다 훨씬 더 많은 비교급 문장을 사용하고 있는것 같다

I guess I am using a lot more comparatives than I normally would be

영작이 상당히 자유로운 시점이 오면 영어에서 하는 말들이 서서히 들리기 

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유
