영어단어공부 하지않고 [영어잘하는방법] + ★추천하는 영어공부방법 중 한가지★

정확한 단어는 모르지만 설명할 수 있는 언어능력을 키워라!

1. 스트레스 받아서 누군가 지출한 비용 (일반 긍정 + 관계대명사)
2. 스트레스를 받지 않았으면 지출하지 않았을 비용 (가정법)
3. 스트레스를 받지 않았으면 발생하지 않았을 비용 (가정법 + 수동태)

1. You spent the money because you were stressed
The money (that) you spent because you were very stressed
2. You wouldn't have spent the money if you hadn't been so stressed
The money (that) you wouldn't have spent if you hadn't been so stressed
3. The money that wouldn't have been spent if you hadn't been so stressed

It refers to ~~~~~~~~

구남친? 새남친? 곧남친?

1. The guy she used to go out with
2. She just started going out(dating) with him (기본문장)
Some guy she just started dating
3. She is about to go out with him (기본문장)
Some guy she is about to go out with

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유
