한마디로닷컴 사이트 바로가기

피라미드 속에 감춰진 보물은 모든 이에게 치명적인(fatal) 유혹(allure)이었다.

1. The treasure

2. The treasure hidden in the pyramid

3. The treasure hidden in the pyramid was allure

4. The treasure hidden in the pyramid was allure fatal

5. The treasure hidden in the pyramid was allure fatal to everyone.

= The treasure hidden in the pyramid was a fatal allure to everyone.

한국에 살고 있는 모든 사람들은 자유와 평등을 사랑한다.

1. All people

2. All people living in Korea

3. All people living in Korea love

4. All people living in Korea love freedom and equality

우리나라에서 생산된 상품들은 엄격한 품질 검사를 거친다

1. Products

2. Products manufactured in Korea

3. Products manufactured in Korea go through

4. Products manufactured in Korea go through strict quality inspection

어제 신문에 보도된 그 사고는 한국 정치의 현 상황을 보여준다

1. The accident

2. The accident reported

3. The accident reported in yesterday's Newspaper

4. The accident reported in Yesterday's Newspaper shows

5. The accident reported in Yesterday's Newspaper shows the current situation

6. The accident reported in Yesterday's Newspaper shows the current situation of Korean politics.

가난한 사람들을 거리로 몰아내는 것은 정부의 역할이 아니다.

1. Pushing out

2. Pushing out poor people

3. Pushing out poor people to the street

4. Pushing out poor people to the street is not

5. Pushing out poor people to the street is not the government's role(the role of government).

내가 어디서 그녀를 어디서 처음 만났는지는 지금 중요하지 않아

1. Where

2. Where I met

3. Where I met her

4. Where I met her first

5. Where I met her first is not

6. Where I met her first is not important now.

7. It is not important now where I met her first. 


블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유
