[KOR] 이 막대도표는 지난 한 달 동안 한국에서 새로 확진 판정된 사례의 수를 일별로 보여 주고 있다. 자세히 보면, 지난 며칠 동안 어느정도 안정화 된 숫자를 가리키고 있는데 이것이 말해주는 것 최악의 시기는 이제 지나갔을 가능성이 높다는 것이지만 그렇다고 해서 안심할 수 있다는 의미는 절대로 아니다. 통제할 수 있는 수준이 됐을지도 모른다는 것을 나타내고 있는 정도일 뿐이다. 이런 도표가 보여줄 수 없는 것은 사람들의 삶에 입힌 피해의 양이다. 이것은 숫자에 불과한 것이 아니고 모든 숫자 하나하나가 진짜 사람들과 가족들을 말하고 있다는 것을 알고 있자.

[ENG] This bar chart shows the number of newly-confirmed cases per day in Korea within the last month. If you look closely, it's indicating that the numbers have somewhat stabilized in the last several days. What it's telling us is that the worst is likely behind us but that certainly doesn't mean that we're out of the woods yet. It merely implies that we might be getting better at keeping things under control. What graphs like this can't show us is the amount of damage it has done to people's lives because, let's face it, these aren't just numbers. There are real people and families behind every one of these numbers.

- show : 간적접으로 내용을 전달, 증명, 시각적 요소

- indicate : 가르키다, 지칭하다, 실제로 뭔가를 보여주다

- tell sby : 간접적인, 내포된 정보 전달

- likely : ~할 것 같은(것으로 예상되는)

- out of the woods : 위기를 벗어나

- merely : 한낱, 그저, 단지

- imply : 감정 생각을 넌지시 나타내다, 비치다, 은연중에 풍기다, 의미하다

- keep things under control : ~ 통제하에 두다

- do damage : 손해를 입히다

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유


1. Could 선택사항

(아이 장난감..)

option 1 돈을 써서 사준다

option 2 내가 놀아준다

I could V~~~ or I could V~~~

나에게 이런 선택 사항이 있어 

(영상편집에 대한..)

1. 내가 다른사람에게 이거 맡길 수도 있어 직접 할 수 도 있고

→ I could have sby else do it or I could just do it myself

2. 내가 다른사람에게 이거 맡길 수도 있어 근데 그러면 돈이 더 들겠지

→ I could get sby else to do it That would cost extra money though

- I could invite him but most of my friends wouldn't be happy with it.

- I could ask my father for the money He would give it to me.

- We could fix that 

- I could tell jokes but I don't want to It just wouldn't be as funny.

니가 만약 나의 이혼소송을 처리 했으면 이 집은 두 배로 크겠지

이혼소송을 니가 맡았더라면 나의 집 크기 VS 지금 실제 이 집의 크기

If you would handle my divorce this house would be twice as big.

What should I do? I could partner you up with ~~

* partner sby with sby

I could ask him for the money He would give it to me

I could have asked him for the money He would have given it to me

2. Could 가능성 

비트코인사.. 올라갈 수도 있어 (might)

떨어질거야 ( it is gonna go down)

올라갈지도 모르잖아. 난 살거야 (might/could)

could = might '가능성이 없는 것은 아니다' 정도 느낌에서 호환가능

A: You are coming. It will be fun.

B: It is not gonna be fun

A: It could be

B: It is not

A: I hope this isn't gonna be a rough flight

B: It might be (It could be)

A: Is it permanent?

B: It could be

내가 저기에서 왔다고 생각해?

A: Do you think that is where I am from?

B: Could be. I don't know. Does it look familiar?

- Finding Mr. Weenie could take a long long time, could take months. I mean, years perhaps

- I know this is going to work but if it doesn't that could work.

1. It might be 통할 수도 있어

2. It could be 통할 지도 몰라

3. It is worth a shot 시도해볼 가치가 있어

A: Do you think this is gonna work?

B: I don't know. It could. I say it is worth a shot.

Would it kill you to say thank you? huh? Would it?

A: It wouldn't kill you to be nice to Dylan

B: It might (It could)

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유


내가 여기 아니면 어디에있겠어?

내가 니를 와 잡아 넣으라 했겠노? 넌 왜 이렇게 바보같은질문을 하냐? 우리회사지원왜했냐? 우리가 너를 왜 원하겠냐? 나의 생일 선물로 왜 배추를 주는거야? 내가 무슨 도깨비신부냐? (아빠한테 뽀뽀한번만 해줘) 내가 왜?

전부 Would 쓰셔야 합니다.

He would never just disappear.

갑자기 사라질리가 없어

→ Why would he just disappear??

She is my sister. She would never hurt me.

언니가 나를 해칠리 없어

→ Why would she hurt me??

A: Please don't hurt me.

B: Why would I hurt you?

A: Are you ok?

B: I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

A: So, you are not at all afraid of her.

B: Why would I be (afraid of her)?

A: Don't be mad. ok?

B: Why would I be mad?

Why would I have breakfast in the middle of the night?

A: Do you mind if I squeeze in next to you?

B: Why would I mind squeezing in next to you?

A: Can we help?

B: No. We are fine. Why would we need help?

A: Were you followed?

B: Why would I be followed?

A: Let me go after them.

B: Why would I allow that?

A: I wrote you emails but you never responded.

B: Why would I?  일반동사 생략

would have p.p 가정법

- Why would he want me?

A: I didn't kill my husband.

B: Why would I kill my husband?

- Why would he kill his wife?

1. 그가 왜 그러겠어? 그럴리가 없어 (그러지 않았어)

2. 그가 왜 그의 와이프를 죽였지? (이해가 안되네, 말이 안되네)

- He picked you. Why would he do that?

- Why did you do this? 왜그랬어?

- Why would you do this? 왜그랬을까?

Why would Serena do this?

I don't get it. Why would she ask me out?

Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?

Why would it choose me?

A: He said he had a hot date.

B: Right. Who would go out with that immature hothead? 퍽이나~

- Why would Fred get a cat? He hates cate.

- Who would love someone like that?

- I understand. You are mad. Who wouldn't be mad?

- Who wouldn't want to see that?

- Who would do something l like this?

- Who would do such a mean thing?

- Who wouldn't marry her?

- Who wouldn't want you?

A: Who is the cute guy? The one in the blue shirt.

B: Greg, you noticed him?

A: Sure. Who wouldn't? He is gorgeous.

A: I am not freaked out. Why would I be freaked out?

B: I am freaking out.

A: Why would a princess need to work hard?

B: I am not a princess. I am a waitress. Why would you think that?

-What makes you think that? 

A: Do you want me to quit?

B: What? What would make you think that? 왜 그렇게 생각한거야?

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유


생각보다 (좀/훨씬) 오래 걸리네

It's taking (a little/a lot) longer than I thought.

그러게.. 시간이 어느 정도 걸릴 줄은 알았는데 이렇게 오래 걸릴 줄은 몰랐어

Yeah, I know. I knew it would take some time but I didn't think it would take this long.

know - 예상한 상황, 알고 있던 지식

think - 예상이나 판단과 반대, 예상과 다른 상황

생각보다 돈이 많이 드네

그러게. 싸지 않을거라는 것은 알았는데 이렇게 많이 들 줄은 몰랐어

- It's costing (a lot/ a little) more than I thought.

- Yeah, I know. I knew it wouldn't be cheap but I didn't think it would cost this much.


A: 생각보다 어렵네

B: 그러게, 쉽진 않을거라건 알고 있었는데 이 정도로 어려울 줄은 몰랐네.

A: It's harder than I thought

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't think it would be this hard.

 * I didn't think it would be hard like this (이런식으로 어려울줄 몰랐어)

A: 생각보다 훨씬 머네.

B: 그러게. 가깝진 않을거라는 알았는데 이렇게 멀 줄은 몰랐네.

A: It's way(much) farther than I thought. 

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it wouldn't be close but I didn't think it would be this far.

A: 생각했던 것만큼 맛이 있진 않네.

B: 그러게. 너무 기대하면 안된다는건 알았는데 이 정도로 별로일 줄은 몰랐네.

A: It's not as good as I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew I shouldn't have expected too much but I didn't think it would be this bad.

 * shouldn't have gotten(had) my hopes up too high

<Additional examples>

A: This situation is getting worse than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it would last some time but I didn't think it would last this long.

A: Hey, it took you longer than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew I had a lot yesterday but I didn't think it would take me this long.

A: I bought it used though, it causes problems more often than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it wouldn't be like new but I didn't think it would cause problems this often.

A: He's sleeping a lot more than I thought.

B: I know. I knew he would do that because it was the weekend but I didn't think he would sleep in this much.

A: This movie is sadder than I thought it would be.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it would be obviously a sad one but I didn't think it would be so sad.

A: The pay is less than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it wouldn't be a lot but I didn't think it would be this little.

A: Wow, this movie was so much more fun than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew it would be good but I didn't think it would be this much fun.

A: My phone is making a lot more problems than I thought.

B: Yeah I know. I knew it would make some problems but I didn't think it would be this often.

A: Your dog is growing bigger than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew this type of dog wouldn't be small but I didn't think it would grow this big.

A: You eat a lot more than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I didn't think I could eat more because I felt full but and I didn't think I would eat a lot this much any even dessert.  

 * 예상과 일치하지 않음. 예상과 달라서 Knew 안됨

A: There are more people than I thought.

B: Yeah, I know. I knew some people would come but I didn't think this many people would come because of the corona thing.

1. I knew she would be pretty but I didn't think she would be this beautiful. - 예쁠거라 예상(본적없음)

2. I knew she was pretty but I didn't think she would be this beautiful. - 예쁜줄은 알았는데 더 예쁨(본적있음/실물처음봄등)

- I invited my friends to my home last weekend.

- I pretty much stayed home all last week.

- I'm planning to vote this Wednesday, after that I'm going to hang out with my girl.

- I didn't do much last week and this week. I think I'm just going to stay home for quarantine.

- During the weekend, I studied English through Youtube videos because I'm into English nowadays.

- Last weekend, I went to work because I'm on a rotating shift.

- My daughter and I went to a bookstore last Sunday.

- I didn't do anything last week.

- I drank too much last week, so I'm going to take a break this week.

- I just stayed home due to COVID-19. Actually, I work from home throughout the next week.

- Last weekend, I went to my parent's house, I had dinner with my family.

- Lately, I've been staying at home because of the lockdown.

- This weekend, I'm going to study in the morning and spend the rest of my time watching movies and reading books.

- I didn't do much last weekend because I was trying to stay home.

- I went hiking with my husband and my close friends to Gem mountain last Saturday.

- I've been self quarantining for about 8 weeks.

- I watched the lord of the ring movie series throughout the entire weekend.

- I just stayed home last week because of the coronavirus.

- I voted last Friday at the community center.

- I've been sheltering in the hospital since the beginning of this month due to the coronavirus.

- I walked around the neighborhood all day despite of the government's stay at home order.

- I've studied English with my sisters every day during this pandemic and I'll make sourdough bread tomorrow.

- Recently, I've been helping my dad with this work.

- Last week, I was going to go on a short trip with my family but I couldn't because I was quite busy.

- I went to IKEA with my wife to buy new furniture.

- I drank alcohol for three days in a row last weekend.

- We're just going to have lunch and go to a cafe and talk.

- I stayed in bed for a whole weekend.

- My family went to have dinner with my sister's fiance and his family last Saturday and I'm having my birthday party with friends this Saturday.

- We talked about our first impressions for nearly an hour.

- Yesterday was my birthday but I didn't get any presents.

- When I was in my childhood, I had a bubbly personality.

- I went to my grandmother's new apartment over the weekend.

- These days I have been practicing social distancing highly.

- I've been spending all day taking care of my children.

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유


우리는 그 이야기 속에 감춰진 그 비밀을 발견했다

1. We found

2. We found the secret

3. We found the secret in the story.

나는 혼자서 공포영화 보는 걸 정말 싫어했다.

1. I hated

2. I hated to watch

3. I hated to watch horror movies

4. I hated to watch horror movies alone.

나는 어느 영화가 제일 재미있는지 알고 싶다

1. I want

2. I want to know

3. I want to know which movie

4. I want to know which movie is the most interesting.

나는 그녀가 왜 내 제안을 거절했는지 이해할 수 없었다

1. I could not understand

2. I couldn't understand why 

3. I couldn't understand why she rejected

4. I couldn't understand why she rejected my proposal(suggestion).

그녀는 내가 그녀를 사랑한다는 걸 모른다

1. She doesn't know

2. She doesn't know       I love

3. She doesn't know that I love

4. She doesn't know that I love her

그녀는 결국 훌륭한 변호사가 되었다

1. She became

2. She became a great lawyer

3. She became a great lawyer in the end.

이것이 우리가 너를 위해 할 수 있는 모두야

1. This is all

2. This is all     we can do

3. This is all that we can do for you

그의 소망은 김태희와 이야기할 기회를 한번 가져보는 것이었다

1. His wish(hope) 

2. His wish was to have

3. His wish was to have a chance

4. His wish was to have a chance to talk

5. His wish was to have a chance to talk with Kim Taehee

문제는 왜 그녀가 사람들에게 그의 비밀을 누설했는가이다

1. The problem is 

2. The problem is why

3. The problem is why she revealed

4. The problem is why she revealed his secret

5. The problem is why she revealed his secret to people

그녀는 이 세상에서 내가 받아본 가장 소중한 선물이다

1. She is

2. She is the most precious a present

3. She is the most precious a present    I have received

4. She is the most precious a present that I have received in this world

부사의 위치 ---> 친한애랑 같이 쓰기. 길어지면 뒤로 보내기

난 드디어 영어의 비밀을 찾았다

1. I     found

2. I     found the secret

3. I     found the secret of English

4. I finally found the secret of English

우리는 서울에서 오랫동안 살아왔다

1. We have lived

2. We have lived in Seoul

3. We have lived in Seoul for a long time.

그는 그가 아는 모든 것들을 나에게 설명했다

1. He explained 

2. He explained all

3. He explained all he knew

4. He explained all he knew to me.

 = He explained to me all he knew.

블로그 이미지


Sweet Newlywed Life in Canada. 캐나다 이민 및 일상 생활 정보 공유
